The corner is established when the rear hip socket coils rearward and reaches it's range of motion limit against the ball of the femur, which is internally rotating.

The amount of movement is not great. Maybe 30 degrees or so. But this 'offset' is where the true separation in a swing and throw exists. It is very specific. Very deep inside the rear hip ball and socket joint.

Most people define separation as the differnce between the shoulder line and the hip line. This is far too general in nature and does not require use of the proper muscles to attain. Shoulder to hip separation is too 'big' and 'sloppy' compared to hip socket separation. It creates separation at the waist, not deep in the hip socket.

The difference between the two is shown in these video clips.

Front View

Side View

Establishing the corner is very important. But maintaining it, stretching against it, and using it to launch the swing are critical parts of the high level swing.

See "Stretching Around The Corner" for information on why the corner is so important.