What is the seam? Why is it so important? How do they create it?

Each a bit different. Yet, they all have a seamless overlap. A running start that never pauses. The load turns into the unload seamlessly.

Why has your hitting instructor never talked about the seam?

It's one move, not two. It is not a load then an unload. It is one continuous move. Allowed to finish when the decision is go. Held up when the decision is no go. How do they do that?

There is no back then forth. There is simply 'around'.
There is no load it back, hold it, fire it forward. There is simply 'around'.

From different handsets. From different stances. From different postures. Yet, they all go 'around'.

WHAT goes 'around'. WHERE is the REAL running start? HOW do they control it?

Posada's seam on display. A swing. And a take. Seam present in both. Could have swung seamlessly in the take if he chose to.

HINT: There has never been a seamless overlap swing executed by a 2 legger.

The seamless overlap is what the greats figured out. It is the only way to deal with in and out, up and down, long and short that pitchers do to hitters. It is the only way to be there for 95 this pitch and 80 next pitch.

It is special. It is the separator. To be the best you can be you must learn how to execute a seamless overlap swing.

The use of resistance. Knowing what resists and what drives. Using the drive against the resistance. Using the resistance against the drive. Create a tug of war. Wring the rag. Stretch the band. Turn the barrel. SNAP. Marble flicked.