The praises at DFP for these swings....

....coupled with the praises for this swing....

PROVES.....they are morons.

PROVES.....they have no idea what they are looking at.

PROVES WHY.....they won't show their work.

PROVES.....they are clueless.

The girl's swing above.....IS PITIFUL.....if the high level pattern is the standard. It IN NO WAY....comes close to matching Chippers pattern....nor any other high level swinger.

Why? Several reasons....that have been discussed over and over and over.....yet ignored by the morons at DFP. We could start with the downward swing path. Sheesh.....can they not even recognize that? Then....the coil/lack thereof. Or, we could start with shift THEN swing. We could point out Chipper is one legged and she is two legged. We could point out she swings with her front not her back. Maybe we should start with the forward push of the arms. The best place to start would be the lack of barrel turn, probably.

I owe it to the girl. She seems to have desire. Maybe she will see this on her own.