But how many do you take down with you before you have the integrity to mea culpa?

Howe's mea culpa appears to be under way. He says this about the Posey clip....a clip that is clearly different than what he taught his son....

While the front foot is off the ground it has not accepted any weight. Once the front foot touches down, it accepts weight - how much weight is the real question. Yes, the hitter stays back. This is dynamic balance


It is impossible for him to reconcile this statement....with the two clips.

Yes, the hitter stays back. This is dynamic balance
THAT is why.....he won't show a good solid game clip from the side. That and the fact that he knows his son can't hit.

Clearly.....his son does not stay back....does not have dynamic balance.

Posey swings from back and the swing shifts his weight forward. Shift AND swing.

Lilchappedass shifts weight FIRST....gets much of it to his front leg....then swings. Shift THEN swing.

Maybe the thick skull allowed some truth to enter.