Click her to meet Justthefacts....Paul Nyman....And The Extent Of His Knowledge and Experience.....And Most Importantly....How He Works With Players

Have you stopped laughing yet?

Pauly....the narcissist.....tell Adrian that all his hands can do is HOLD the bat.....

Tell us why his hands blur out...a circular blur at that....before they ever move. Tell us Pauly.

Don't let video of the best ruin your opinion Pauly.

Offer still stands, and I....and most of the best. No one else allowed. Let's debate. Right here.'ve avoided this debate for several years. Excuse after excuse after excuse. Let's find out just what the hands HAVE TO duplicate the swing of Bonds, Manny, Albert, Adrian, Ted etc etc etc.

Will you ever admit the HUGE mistake you made with Iron Nyman? Ever? You know....resistance at the pivot point.

Finally.....tell us who you've helped. We know for a fact that you ruined Mark Johnson and Robert Stock. That is not disputable.