Would you like a quick checkpoint that will identify those who are wannabe hitting instructors?

Any time someone says "I like the lower half"....or, for that matter...."I like the upper half"....when evaluating a clip....it immediately throws up a red flag.

You see.....THERE IS NO LOWER HALF.....without the upper half. The lower half doesn't 'do something' on it's own. It does something AGAINST the upper half. It is impossible for there to be a good lower half unless the upper half is doing the right thing also.


The high level lower half CAN NOT BE ACHIEVED.....without the proper upper half action simultaneously. And vice versa.

You see....those that see two halves.....teach two halves....and they get two halves.

The swing is a full body action. It can only be accomplished by way of stretch....stretching one against the other. It's impossible to know if the lower half is working right unless you can see it stretching against the upper half. It is impossible to look at a clip of the lower half only and say it's right. You must have the upper half also. How do you know if stretch is happening if you can't see the other half?

So....based on this....I've ruled out dfp, bbf, and bbd.

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Even THAT....is the truth.