In today's blogTV group lesson a viewer asked if what I teach uses ground reaction forces. The question proves that there are stupid questions. The ignorance of the question is amazing. As I sit in this chair, ground reaction forces are in play. As I stood in front of the computer answering the question, ground reaction forces were in play. As I demonstrated a push swing, ground reaction forces were in play. As I demonstrated the SnF Drill, ground reaction forces were in play. As the worst swing you've ever seen happened, ground reaction forces were in play. And as the best swing you've ever seen happened, ground reaction forces were in play.

I assume the question came from 'a mover'. If not, if it came from a member, I apologize for being so harsh.

But the idiocy of the case 'the movers' make for 'the move' is beyond belief and needs to be addressed. To suggest THE REAR FOOT OR LEG IS THE ENGINE, the doer, that turns or attempts to turn, at the ground, by creating an external rotation movement of the foot/leg, such that the rear foot turns clockwise for a righthanded batter, is the only way for ground reacton forces to be generated, is 100% POPPEYCOCK. ABSURD. NONSENSE.

Yet that is what they hang their hat on to prove the existance of the move. They keep saying that ground reaction forces are important. (Duh) Given. But then thew spew and attempt to convince the mindless that the only way to create external rotation ground reaction forces is by using the muscles that externally rotate the rear leg. THAT IS TOTAL POPPEYCOCK. One 'mover' claims a physical therapist close to him agrees. OH MY. It had to be a cracker jack box. OR....'the mover' spewed to the physical therapist....misled him/her....causing the physical therapist to make that error.

The 'movers' argument was thoroughly destroyed about 2 years ago, but their hitting religion and gigantic egos will not let the truth penetrate. Demo after demo has been shown to them, proving that the leg CAN externally rotate to cause that external rotation action, and the resulting ground reaction forces, at the foot....or....the leg can DO NOTHING and the same action can be made to happen....or....the leg can even INTERNALLY ROTATE in the hip socket, while SOMETHING ELSE happens, that causes that external rotation of the foot.

But, they would rather deny truth, and continue to sell snake oil, taking your son or daughter down the river with them, than admit they are wrong.

I was wrong once. Maybe twice. I admitted it publicly. I could not....would not....will not....sell kids and well-meaning dads and moms down the river.

More proof that not only are the movers totally ignorant about how ground reaction forces are created in the high level swing....but that you can not swing in the high level pattern WHILE performing the move....will be presented here shortly.

It is so basic. So simple. It is fraudulent to continue to support the move.

They go as far as to say Albert's leg is externally rotating in this clip....