Bring your beliefs.
Bring your evidence.
Bring your supporting video.
Bring your bat.
Bring your son/daughter if you wish.
Bring your presentation.

All will get a chance to sell their long as they or their student will swing a bat do demonstrate. goes last and hitting will be explained and demonstrated in full detail.

Held in St Louis.
Facility will be announced when booked.

FREE TO ALL members. $20 for a one month membership and you can attend for free also.

Must preregister so we know the size of the group.

You can reach me at

Special invitation to any and all naysayers. Please attend. You will get every opportunity to speak your long as you or your student swings to demonstrate.

5 have confirmed to date. Coming from Texas, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. Possibles coming from New York and California. Some are bringing their son/daughter.

Anyone interested in the truth?